Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fun Facts About Cheetahs

     I think it is time to pay tribute to the mascot of this blog... The Cheetah! (My favorite animal!!)
Fun Facts!
1) Cheetahs can run up to 70 miles per hour! That's about as fast as a car!
2) Cheetahs use their tails to steer, sounds strange, but  think about a boat rudder.
3) Cheetahs are the only big cats that can purr. But they can't roar like other big cats.
4) Cheetahs are the only cats that can't retract their claws. Why? To hunt, cheetahs rely on speed, and their claws are used as grippers so they don't slip.
5) Cheetahs cannot climb trees and have poor night vision.
6) Cheetahs only need to drink once every three or four days!
7) They are the smallest big cat, weighing in at about 45 pounds.
8) Cheetahs can reach top speed in three seconds!
9) Male cheetahs stay in groups, females roam alone.
10) Cheetahs live 10-12 years
11) Cheetahs are not very strong, so to kill their prey, they suffocate it until it dies.
12) The average is about 2-5 cubs
13) Long ago, about 3000 b.c, man trained cheetahs to help them hunt.
14) Sadly, the cheetah is on the endangered species list. The reason? Decline of prey, loss of habitat, poaching, and their cubs are so fragile.
Click on the link to donate to the World Wildlife Fund.

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